Let’s see, it’s been two weeks again since I updated this blog. It’s hard to believe I’ve been ensconced in Virginia Beach that long.
Oh, yes, I forgot, you haven’t met Wee Beastie. When we first met, we were drawn to each other immediately . It was love at first sight! I put my arms out and he leapt to me. He was mine forever! Big brown eyes, curly hair, and oh, so huggable!!! You will be seeing a lot of him on my travels.
OK – here goes. First, to finish up the visit to New York. Diana and Myra: Pay Up! I had a great time! I’m only speaking for myself here. From Angie and Amanda’s viewpoint, I’m sure it was way too long a visit. You know what they say about house guests and fish!
The drive south was great. I just kept driving and driving! I had such a sense of freedom. No weather until late in the trip. I had intended to stop and spend the nite in Richmond, but I failed to let my daughter know I was coming. She was out for the evening, and when we finally connected, I had already turned south toward Virginia Beach. I called my friend Diana, told her to stay up a couple hours, and I bunked in with her.
I learned a lot in the past 2 months – I don’t mean about the family, but other little interesting facts. I wish I had written them all down. In the future, I will so I can add them to my blog.
Lake George, NY- I don’t think I had ever read “The Last of the Mohicans” but I’ve watched the movie in fits and starts. I could never figure out how that group made it to the fort with all those angry troops and Indians surrounding it. Now I know that they canoed across Lake George. A replica of the fort stands proudly on the shore.
Another fact I learned on the drive south. The watershed for the Chesapeake Bay begins about 90 miles north of Binghamton, NY. Now, see – free education when you read this blog.
On the drive down, I got to thinking about a traveling life such as friends Myra and JT have, and decided that if I feel the same when I return next fall, somehow, someway, I’ll managed to get some sort of rig, and stay at it – work-camping around the country.
The weekend I got here, there was a RV show at the convention center. Janet and I went. What fun. I kept looking at the teeny, tiny rigs I might be able to tow behind my Volvo, so while I enjoyed seeing the bigger rigs, I wasn’t at that time considering them – until after I got home, that is. I joked about getting the pull-along, then advertising for a travel companion with a truck to pull it.
That evening while talking with Myra, she told me to keep in mind that in the Fall, they intended to sell their other truck. Oh-Oh, this is beginning to sound like a possibility. I saw one travel trailer with a bunk-room - not just bunkbeds you slide into, but an actual room. Bottom bunk was a double – built in dresser with space to walk next to the bed. Wow, I could rip out those beds and have a sewing room. Could I live in that rig? You bet. Just me and Wee Beastie
I’m trying something new with the blog – I’m writing it in Word, then going to paste it into the blog. That way, I can insert photos wherever I want, instead of just at the top. Hope it works. Well, it didn't!!!
I’ve been taking care of “business” for the past several days. I’m not one who likes to do serious shopping – seen one mall, seen them all. But I’ve a long list of stuff to accomplish before I leave here next week. People to see, and things to do!
I got an air mattress and pump, tarp, miscellaneous little stuff that adds up fast - I bought some small collapsible fabric boxes to help sort out all my stuff. My biggest concern was clothing. The weather this year is so funky. Cold down South, and not so cold up north.
And then, how can I pack the clothes conveniently, without having to rummage around every time I need something. I came up with under the bed storage – fabric with full zippered clear plastic cover. Perfect.
I’ve been to AAA and picked up maps. At least the maps I need to get to Phoenix. I bought a GPS in NY, but returned it to the store - I couldn’t change the starting place. That wouldn’t work. But I’ve narrowed it down to just 3 models, and I think I’ll pick up one before I leave here.
I’ve visited friends here – the Lady’s took me to lunch for my Birthday, I’ve sewed at Jackie’s, computed at Janets, Hovered at Holly’s – and the plan for today is to see Avatar in 3-D with Diana. I’m also determined not to leave here until I’ve had some of Holly’s wonderful Chili.
And the Weather! Ah, the weather. First real snowstorm in decades. I was snowbound for the entire weekend - I’m staying at good friend Al’s home. Hereafter, I will refer to his home as the “Ice House” The man is doing his part for the environment! No heat in winter, no air conditioning in summer. I checked the thermostat – it’s set at 54 – and that was after threatened to crawl in bed with him to get warm! – at that, he condescended to turn it up about 2 degrees. At least in NY you could stand in front of the heater to get warm. We are in heat pump country here. That’s the technology that tells you that when you feel cool air coming from the vent, it’s really warm air and if you concentrate real hard, you’ll feel it as warm air.
On Monday, I met my oldest in Williamsburg for lunch. It was a perfect day – sun shining, snow glistening, The drive up (about an hour) was uneventful – the roads had been plowed, and were dry and clear. That was my “so long” lunch – I guess I won’t see her again until I return in the fall.
Photo Gallery Well, I had hoped to post more photos, but they didn't up-load. I'll keep trying on future posts. There must be some way to do it.
Until the next post,
Bear Hugs,
Wow, it sounds like you are having some kinds of adventures. Sounds like your happy. Enjoy, and I'll keep reading.