Merry Christmas to all! Hope yours was as wonderful as mine!
On Wednesday, I had planned to do some shopping, and take Amanda's sister with me when she got off work. Angie and I went out in the morning - about 9 a.m. - it started snowing and continued all day. I really had not wanted to drive in those conditions, but I did - Took Jaime, and Cody (navigator) and finished all our shopping. Had no problems driving, but stayed the other end of town - away from the mall crowds. Yes, even this little town has a mall - big one, too. But, you know - there were no real crowds. No worse than our malls in non holiday seasons.
Santa brought me booster cables for my car, and other safety equipment, a telescope so I can look at the stars when I'm in the great outdoors, and a hat, fitting for Granny to travel in.
Cody (16) was trying to be so cool about having only 3 gifts under the tree. He really put on a brave front. Then, in his stocking, of all places was a gift certificate to his dream world. He was all smiles and hugs the whole day! He even hugged Dan - such an unheard of thing, poor Dan didn't know how to react. Cody even delivered several bear hugs to his hug deprived granny.
Brayden managed to knock a tooth out - trying to impatiently bite open a package.
Santa brought a "Beetles Rock Band" set up for the "little kids" Let me just say, the "little Kids" didn't get much time at it. Granny even had her turn at it!
Even the dogs got gifts - size appropriate toys. Sani, being still a puppy, had a blast, running around, fetching, playing tug-a-war, and generally raising the energy level. Mocha, being much more mature, played quietly. Sani kept taking Mocha's toy. At one point, Sani had Mocha's toy, and Mocha was looking beseechingly at me. It seems Sani caught the look, came over and dropped the toy right under Mocha's nose, and walked away.
Angie's computer crashed, so mine is (almost) the only one in the house. There is a desk top upstairs, but has dial-up, so of course no-one wants to use it. Anyway, It seems like everyone is addicted to on-line games- including Granny - so, last nite I was on the puter until 3 a.m. for my game time!
If anyone thought this blog was going to be full of insight and soul-searching, well it ain't gonna happen, at least not yet, anyway!
Now that the big day is over, it's time to start my sewing projects - narrowed it down to about 6 must finish projects - the other 100 pounds of fabric will just be stuffed back into the car and taken back to my storage unit. What was I thinking???!!!
One last thought on small town living - especially when your home backs up to the woods. When I let Mocha in this morning, I caught the distinctive smell of skunk. By the time the realization hit, Mocha was headed for someone's bed. I figured if Mocha tangled with a skunk, it was the bed-owner's problem, and I went back to bed.
Til next time......
Bear Hugs
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