Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas to all! Hope yours was as wonderful as mine!
On Wednesday, I had planned to do some shopping, and take Amanda's sister with me when she got off work. Angie and I went out in the morning - about 9 a.m. - it started snowing and continued all day. I really had not wanted to drive in those conditions, but I did - Took Jaime, and Cody (navigator) and finished all our shopping. Had no problems driving, but stayed the other end of town - away from the mall crowds. Yes, even this little town has a mall - big one, too. But, you know - there were no real crowds. No worse than our malls in non holiday seasons.
Santa brought me booster cables for my car, and other safety equipment, a telescope so I can look at the stars when I'm in the great outdoors, and a hat, fitting for Granny to travel in.
Cody (16) was trying to be so cool about having only 3 gifts under the tree. He really put on a brave front. Then, in his stocking, of all places was a gift certificate to his dream world. He was all smiles and hugs the whole day! He even hugged Dan - such an unheard of thing, poor Dan didn't know how to react. Cody even delivered several bear hugs to his hug deprived granny.
Brayden managed to knock a tooth out - trying to impatiently bite open a package.
Santa brought a "Beetles Rock Band" set up for the "little kids" Let me just say, the "little Kids" didn't get much time at it. Granny even had her turn at it!
Even the dogs got gifts - size appropriate toys. Sani, being still a puppy, had a blast, running around, fetching, playing tug-a-war, and generally raising the energy level. Mocha, being much more mature, played quietly. Sani kept taking Mocha's toy. At one point, Sani had Mocha's toy, and Mocha was looking beseechingly at me. It seems Sani caught the look, came over and dropped the toy right under Mocha's nose, and walked away.
Angie's computer crashed, so mine is (almost) the only one in the house. There is a desk top upstairs, but has dial-up, so of course no-one wants to use it. Anyway, It seems like everyone is addicted to on-line games- including Granny - so, last nite I was on the puter until 3 a.m. for my game time!
If anyone thought this blog was going to be full of insight and soul-searching, well it ain't gonna happen, at least not yet, anyway!
Now that the big day is over, it's time to start my sewing projects - narrowed it down to about 6 must finish projects - the other 100 pounds of fabric will just be stuffed back into the car and taken back to my storage unit. What was I thinking???!!!
One last thought on small town living - especially when your home backs up to the woods. When I let Mocha in this morning, I caught the distinctive smell of skunk. By the time the realization hit, Mocha was headed for someone's bed. I figured if Mocha tangled with a skunk, it was the bed-owner's problem, and I went back to bed.
Til next time......
Bear Hugs
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I'm not sure what order these photos will be on the blog - But, they are of Dan playing a video game, Braydon and Neo decorating a gingerbread house, and Braydon overseeing breakfast!
The "Historic Blizzard of 2009" hasn't affected up-state NY, But it has impacted on Brooke. She was driving from Michigan to DC for a job interview. We just talked with her - she had to leave the car (4 wheel drive) just off the road. She got to her friend's house on foot, but the snow plow came through and her car is now buried in snow. I'm not certain DC will be operational by tomorrow for her interview.
It's a balmy day here in Glens Falls. 22 degrees when I got up, and it is expected to warm up to a whopping 24 this afternoon. It's been from -4 to 4 in the mornings the last few days. I'm getting used to it, I'm not even putting socks on in the mornings any more!
I've misplaced the keys to my car. They just aren't where I put them. Luckily I had 2 copies made, unfortunately, I can't figure out where I put them. But, I did come across my original spare key - so at least I can go out and warm up the car on a regular basis.
Then, last nite, I noticed my phone # sheet was missing from the desk. So, now I'm beginning to suspect a little gremlin is out to get me. I've been adding phone #'s to my contact info in gmail, but I haven't finished, so, I'm sort of sunk.
Some excitement here this week! I've been out of touch with my step-son for several years. The other nite I searched the internet and found him. Scary, isn't it. Anyway, I called, talked with him and his delightful wife and learned they have 2 small boys. The last time I spoke with him, was just before his wedding. Angie and Brooke are ecstatic about locating their long-lost brother, and I'm looking forward to visiting them in the spring!!!
The baking and candymaking is all finished - finally! 25# of sugar, 20# of flour, 20# of choclate, 12# of nuts, and various other items. Instead of putting on sweatpants this morning, I put on my jeans. Oops. I can wear them, but they are not as baggy as they were. Time to ramp up the exercise. Surprisingly, it's not the chocolates that get me - I've only had 2, but the old favorits, peanut brittle, almond roca, and cookies, those darn cookies. Let's see - snickerdoodles on my left thigh, molasses cookies on my right thigh - oops, a little off balance. Must need some more snickerdoodles to even it out!
Speaking of peanut brittle. I have to be very careful about it. I have to check to see where Sani is. He loves peanut butter, and if he smells peanut brittle on me, he's up in my lap, begging.
Speaking of Sani. Yesterday without any warning, he started growling and barking, hackles raised at the mantle. It took a few minutes, but we finally realized the an 8 x 10 of Braydon had been put on the mantle the day before, and he was just noticing it for the first time. Wierd, adn Wierder. We let him smell it, and he finally quieted down.
The local amusement park - the Great Escape! Really, that is what it is called. It's a 6 flag park. Anyway, they are all decorated for Christmas, with lights and activities daily - so that is going to be our light festival for this year. I'm looking forward to it Should be fun.
Well, nothing else to say today - soon as I sign off, I'll remember all the stuff I was thinking about posting.
Bear Hugs,
Monday, December 14, 2009
I'm waiting to hear from Myra the end of the month to find out what their plans will be. If there are no changes, I'll be meeting up with her and JT in southern Georgia, and heading for the Florida Keys. I have 2 stops in Florida, 1 in Alabama, 1 in Texas, 1 in Oklahoma - and don't know how long I'll be at any one place. In any event, I'll be seeing you in the spring, and plan to be hanging around for awhile, before heading for California. The only set date I have for the next year is the weekend of August 14 in Great Falls. (That's Montana for you Virginians who also have a Great Falls) I'll see you there, too, Micki!
There are two more members of this household I haven't mentioned yet. Mocha and Sani - the 4-legged kids. Sani (short for TeSani Sakima - White Buffalo King) is a collie pup - about 9 months old, and full of energy - wants to play all the time. My computer table is against the stairwell. Sani just went half-way up the stairs, and dropped his toy on my keyboard. Think he's trying to tell me something?
Mocha is 5 years old - a min-pin mix. I fell in love with him when I was here 2 years ago. He's very quiet - unless there is need to warn the household of something. He loves to cuddle, and spends a lot of time snuggled up to me. Usually he sleeps upstairs with the boys and I don't see him til late morning. But early this morning, he came to my bedside and asked permission to crawl in with me. (Yes, he did - you could see it in his eyes!) Little did I know that he had just come in from his morning constitutional. Jipes!!!!! His feet were like ice cubes!
It's going to be quite a nice day today - temperature in mid 30's. It snowed again yesterday and Amanda added another jump to the sledding run - about half way down the slope. So it's, slide, fly, slide, fly and bump! It's so funny to watch (from the warmth of the living room)
Before the snows arrived, I volunteered to take Dan to a job interview at a ski-lift. I prepared for a long drive. Can you believe it! The lift was 5 miles from the house. 5 miles! They have tubing in the winter. I want to go! I'm not allowed to sled in the back yard - I'm older than I think I am, but younger than Angie thinks I am. They are afraid I'll break something. Maybe I will, but what fun I'll have doing it!
OK, now for the serious part of this post. My head is hanging in defeat. I've been bested! Angie's fudge is better than mine! Not only better, but faster and easier to make! Angie is doing the victory dance, and moon-walking, singing "My fudge is better than Mom's! She is very gracious, though, she gave me her recipe. I've already used her recipe to make dark chocolate and milk chocolate fudge. My next try will be for Black Forest fudge. Dark Chocolate, chopped marachino cherries, cherry flavoring, and a "swish" of marshmallow cream through the top. Yes, I am still making candy! I haven't had an opportunity to do it for a long, long time with so many tasters present to save me from myself.
Angie surprised me by saying she learned how to cook from me. (OK, Ladies, don't bust a gut laughing!) Everyone knows I can't cook (except baking and candy making) But Angie says I CAN cook, I just quit one day. The Ladies may beg to differ with her!
Angie started cooking at 5 years old. I was out tending the horses one day, and when I came in the house, she had opened a can of tomato soup, turned on the (gas) stove to heat it, and made a sandwich to go with it. And she never stopped cooking to this day. Me? Well, as a newlywed - I managed to burn cream of wheat. INSTANT cream of wheat! What does that tell you?
Well, Ladies - what are you all up to? I'm guessing Betsy is in NC, I know Holly is doing shows, what about the rest of you?
Time is flying by - I'll be back in Virginia before you know it.
Bear Hugs
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Snow Games
Well, it's a not so early Saturday morning. Not sure what is on the agenda for today, but chili is in the pot for dinner!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
First Snow
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Small Town Christmas
The sidewalks were crowded, but not to the point you couldn't move. Everyone was in a good mood - the kids were having a great time. - Groups broke into song spontaneously while waiting in line for the most popular events. (Talking to Santa and the horse drawn wagon ride throughout town) Everything was FREE! Do you hear me? FREE!!!! Even the wagon ride.
Stores and organizations provided everything from wine tasting and hot cider to cookies and cake. Hot chocolate stations, samples of peppermint tea, music. Santa boogied down the sidewalk playing a sax. The Theatre (Capital T) gave free (there's that word again) one act performances. There was music playing, Chorales singing. Make it and take it projects for the little ones, Clowns, and face painting, Ice skating, Coloring books and candy canes. Popcorn and passes to the Theatre. Reindeer to pet, Oh, my gosh!!!! It was incredible!
And all this was FREE!!, FREE!!, FREE! (I've been living in the city too, too long!)
What a great family event!
I talked with Corliss today, telling her some of this - She warned me not to get any ideas about moving up here. I don't know, it sure would be tempting!!
Bear Hugs