Our Lady of the Blue Highways

Our Lady of the Blue Highways
Portrait in oils by Jackie Poutasse

Saturday, April 18, 2015


(FYI - It's happened again - no internet - a huge Texas thunder boomer wiped it out at the RV park)

Diane decided she wanted seafood for lunch.  I mentioned seeing the Bleu Crab Café – and off we went.   The service was slow, very slow.  (I made allowances for it being Easter Sunday and they probably weren’t used to a crowd on Sundays, but still – waiting 20 minutes for even an acknowledgement?)   The food??? – well the fish, (tempera battered and fried) was outstanding, the French fries soggy and the hush puppies leaden.   Oh, yeah, the prices were outrageous for what you got.  Normally, I wouldn’t bother to mention this, but………………..

A while later, while riding around with Myra, supposedly just to go wash her truck -  (with Myra her “I’ve only got to do this one thing – ride with me” – never is just one thing) she was looking for somewhere to eat.   We stopped at the “Sugar Shack” – which turned out to be mostly a bar…. A noisy bar….. and, can you believe it in this day and age??? – a smoky bar.   Being Easter Sunday – nearly everything was closed.  We tried the Bar-B-Q place across the road from the campground – closed….   Actually we learned it is only open Thursday – Saturday.   In pursuit of good eats for Myra (I was still stuffed with leaden hush puppies)  we stopped in at the Chinese buffet -   Bingo!   Weekend buffet.   Weekend SEAFOOD buffet – for about the same price Diane and I paid for lunch. (Actually, it was less)   Myra did not hesitate, she immediately attacked the seafood table and came back with a plate heaped with crab legs, steamed shrimp, fried shrimp, fish, frog legs, and many other delacasies  (oh, crap….. where IS the spell check on this thing?)   They even had oysters as well as all their normal fare.   I had finally, finally found a Chinese restaurant worthy of the name for the first time since leaving Virginia.   I sat there drinking my iced tea while  watching Myra devour 3-4 plates of food.   I did say she was hungry, didn’t I?

Lest I lie …….  I had 3 large glasses of iced tea at lunch – waiting patiently (well, maybe a tad bit impatiently) for our lunch to arrive, and 2 more large glasses of tea while watching Myra eat – need I explain why I am up at 4:30 a.m.  typing this blog?

Myra’s “just one thing”   We headed to the car wash, but passed it by to go to Wal-Mart, then we washed the truck.  Then we drove over to Fulton Beach road, and drove along the beach.  Then we turned around and on the way to the visitor’s center (which was closed, of course – Easter Sunday, remember) we detoured through the high society end of the beach to check out the fancy beach homes.  Passed the visitor center and drove through the “art” community, then along the pier looking for fresh shrimp, found a seafood store open – medium shrimp - $10 a pound, then to the Sugar Shack, the Bar-b-Q, and finally the Chinese Restaurant.

I mentioned it was 4:30 a.m.  right?   I am so glad I am a touch typist – of sorts.   The only light is from the monitor  and the keyboard is black so it is a challenge.   Oh, wait – I started at 4:30 – it is now 6.00 and day is breaking.   Breaking what?  Have you ever wondered what that means?

Myra shared with me what she would do with Miss Daisy if she owned her – and it was very close to a photo of a “Glampered” rig that I saved from facebook – I’ll have to try to find it and see if I can post it, or at least move it to a handy place for inspiration.

A week or so later:
We enjoyed a 3 day visit from friends from Virginia who are on a journey to the West Coast and Pacific Northwest - we'll see them again in June when they pass through June.   Holly and I enjoyed a nice long game of Canasta.  I kept score on a piece of notebook paper - when we were finished, Holly said - "Hey, where's our score notebook"  Sure enough in the pocket of my card bag was the little notebook - the last time we played was in 2011 -  I'll bring it up to date and include place as well as date - and we'll see how long we can keep it up!  (I do plan a trip to Virginia in the not too, too distance future.)

We've been to the China A restaurant 3 times already - bought shrimp for dinner in between times.  
Visited the aquarium - with Tucker - he really enjoyed watching the fish.   One bright yellow little guy was picking up pieces of coral and dropping it around the entrance of his home - making a porch, I suspect.

I have really enjoyed the thunderstorms we have had here - really loud, really flashy.   Tucker - just yawns and keeps on sleeping.

I've got some sewing projects in progress for Myra -  Cut them out yesterday - will start sewing on them tomorrow when Myra returns from a visit to her new home.

Oops!!!!!   I've just been told the library closes in 15 minutes - I'll post and continue on whenever I can catch up with the internet again!!!

Until next time......
Boots n' Tucker

She believed she could do it and so she did!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the blogs. Brought back memories of times in Texas and New Mexico. Hope we get to see each other sometime - maybe travel together. A few years ago I joined the RVW Ramblin Roses at a rally in Banderas. Loved the area.
