Our Lady of the Blue Highways

Our Lady of the Blue Highways
Portrait in oils by Jackie Poutasse

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I finally got on the road at 9 a.m. Wednesday – instead of 6 a.m. Monday – but finally, we were on the road.   Over the Potomac bridge, stopped for groceries, through Fredericksburg, where there is a Civil War Battlefield – been there, once.   Located a K-Mart and picked up a one burner stove and some fuel.

On across Hwy 95 – past the Chancellorsville battlefield, stopped for gas, and started through the beautiful rolling hills toward Charlottesville, VA  The green fields are defined by white board fences, and wooded areas.   We rolled pass some magnificent farms – Strawberry Hill,  Tall Oaks, and Bridlespur farms.  The names alone were inspiring.

 About Charlottesville, we started getting some rain.   We continued in and out of showers most of the rest of the day – made it a little past Charlestown WV – which actually was my goal for the day -   Stopped at a KOA for the nite.

For a first night as a camper, Tucker did remarkably well.   He was quiet for the most part, and when he did bark, it was done in his “inside voice”.   I checked in after hours (about 6:30 p.m.) so I needed to wait til the office opened at 9 a.m. to settle my bill.   I was up and raring to go at 6:15; but I put the time to good use – organizing and moving some stuff around – I found the matches – now I have them in my pocket, purse, go-bag, food bag and stove box.  No more dinners of crackers and peanut butter.   I also found my clothes – so I have my pj’s for tonite and clothes for tomorrow all bagged up and ready to go.

 They had 2 pet rules that left me scratching my head -   1) Do not leave pet unattended   2) no pets in buildings.   I asked as I was checking out how I was expected to get a shower.   The manager said since I was travelling alone, to go ahead and take him in with me (private showers)

While I was packing up camp this morning, I set up Tucker’s playpen, and on a whim, I put “Wee Beastie” (Those of you who have followed my blog will remember Wee Beastie as my Teddy Bear)  in with Tucker.  Tucker took one look at him, jumped up and kissed the bear on the nose, knocked him over and promptly crawled on it’s belly and took a nap.   Looks like Tucker has a friend forever, now.

I tried to avoid the heavy traffic in the Chicago area by skirting along Kentucky/Ohio  around Cinncinati (How DO you spell that?)  and Indianapolis.   It may have saved me some traffic and miles, but it sure didn’t save any time – too many 45-55 mph.

 Late in the a.m., my air conditioner quit.  It got a little warm after that.  I was hot and sleepy when I pulled into a rest area with no shady parking spots, of course – but I decided to disobey the sign about pets in the picnic area -   and we sat at a shady table for a bit.   A lady came along walking a tiny Yorkie.   Tucker tried his best to make friends with “Charlie”, but he was afraid of all other dogs, even those smaller than he was.   The lady, Teresa, and I chatted for several minutes.  She and her husband had been missionaries in St. Petersburg Russia for 15 years – raised their children there – lived the life style – a healthy one for all those years – good, basic food, lots of walking to get wherever they wanted to go.   She returned to the US and within 6 months gained 100# and was on several medications.   She said in Russia several of their friends were doctors, but they used the holistic approach – and they all stayed healthy.   She has gone back to basic foods, quit the medications and has lost 40# and is working on the other 60. 
What does that have to say about our lifestyle in the US?  Fast food, and doctors who are quick to push the pills.

 Well, it is now about 8:30 pm – we are camped at a KOA about 50 miles west of Indianapolis.   2 more days of heavy travelling to get to Grand Forks ND.

I hope to be up and on the road by around 7 to make up for lost time – get in 450 – 500 miles and hope to find a campsite somewhere along the way (Friday nite of Memorial Day Weekend – wish me luck)

 Until next time
Bear Hugs
Luv ‘n Boots, and Tucker, Too.
And we must not forget Wee Beastie!!!!
"She believed she could, and so she did!"

She believed she could do it, so she did!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you my fine friend! We are sitting on the northen rim of the grand canyon. Out side our Tardis there is nothing but woods and down. We are in the Kalib? Forest...free camping...no amenities but wonderfully!!

    If you can down load All stays to your computer. It shows all state, city,county, BLB, national forest campgrounds! We came all the way across country using it. We stayed at Valley of Fire in NM for $9 and that was with utilitrs...and the bath rooms and showers were great. Look for the little state cgrounds...the have a host on duty and were very nice. We are using our national park pass and using the senior when ever possible!

    What is your route....holly
