I warned Kit and ken
not to teach (I’m not yelling at you’all
– my caps key is stuck!!!!!) anyway, I
told them not to teach tucker how to use the doggie door. I said they would be sorry – and so they
are. It took him a while cause he’s so
tiny, but he goes in it easily, but is still a little reluctant to go out it
- why did I warn them? Cause the doggie door is in their bedroom –
and we get up earlier than they do. The
morning he finally figured it out – we were out at 6:30 a.m. THEY USUALLY GET UP AT 8 - OOPS, NOW THE FONT IS GROWING – GUESS I’LL
CAUSE IT HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN – so i have a separate keyboard for serious
this is tucker at their bedroom door before i let him out to the doggie yard
I’m going to try to
post a video of tucker and christy playing tug-a-war here Tucker loves playing with her – christy – not
so much! he is a real pest – biting on
her feet to try to get her to run. This is Christy and Tucker - posing so nicely!

I'm not sure this video will work - if not, i'll try it in a future post
UPDATE ON kit’s quilt –
we got all the fabric for the top, and I have all but two of the squares sets
finished - she has finally decided on
the back – it will be southwestern (if
you remember, the top will be australian aboriginal prints – I’ll also make her
a reversible wall hanging to coordinate.
I set up my sewing machine and equipment on
the patio when the weather was warm – then had to wait through the rainy days
for warm weather to arrive again so I could work on Brooke’s placemats – they are
ready to mail today.
My niece, Christine, arrived from San Antonio last week for a
visit. It was interesting at the airport
- we pulled into an outlying parking lot
– called a cell phone lot - this was
something new to me - all the cars park
facing a big sign giving the status of incoming flights - when the flight arrived, Christine called us
on her cell phone and told us which door she was at and we drove right up to
the terminal to pick her up - no
frustrating driving around in circles or looking for parking spaces. I’m sure those of you who have done a lot
more flying than I have already experienced this – but it was new to me! I thought it was very clever - kudo’s to the person who thought it up!
on the way home, we stopped at a mexican restaurant for lunch - the waitress is fixing "live" guacamole - made fresh at the table
Grandma kathy braiding christine's hair
Christine will be here
through the chocolate festival – two years ago when I was here I promised i
would go to the festival with her and her sister the next february – however, I
didn’t make it the next year – Christine moved to Wisconsin – then over
Christmas she moved to San Antonio - I’m
looking forward to spending some time with her when I’m in fredericksburg, tx.
Michelle, Christine’s
sister is an art teacher at a local high school – the other day there was an
art show of the teacher’s work -
Michelle had two awesome pieces
exhibited -

"Foothills" (If you look closely, you The piece on the right is: "Mud, Sweat, and Tears"
can see the shadow of the cowboy on the rock)
The photo does not do it justice - cause in the
painting, you can see the sun shining on the
distant hills
i got a fair shot at this piece – everybody thought it was a photograph – nope – this is done by colored pencil!!!! The artist is barbara dahlstedt who teaches at apollo high school.
"Foothills" (If you look closely, you The piece on the right is: "Mud, Sweat, and Tears"
can see the shadow of the cowboy on the rock)
The photo does not do it justice - cause in the
painting, you can see the sun shining on the
distant hills
i got a fair shot at this piece – everybody thought it was a photograph – nope – this is done by colored pencil!!!! The artist is barbara dahlstedt who teaches at apollo high school.
On the photo further down, notice the design on Michelle's t-shirt. another teacher designed it, and michelle used the theme to design the program for the art show.

Yesterday christy went
to the groomers. on impulse i left
tucker, too – for a shampoo and to have his nails trimmed – THEY CLIPPED
HIM!!!!! what part of shampoo means
clip??? the feathers are gone from his
legs and belly and the beautiful long white hair – about 3 ½ “ long on his
backside is gone - his back view looks
like a fat little bunny butt instead of the long flowing white locks. I keep telling myself – it WILL grow back –
it WILL grow back – it WILL grow back.
He was not happy about it – either,
usually if i’m away from him for any length of time he goes ballistic
when he sees me - not this time – when she
handed him to me, he just tucked his head under my elbow in embarrassment – in fact,
i was so concerned about that, i didn’t notice his clip until we got to the
park to let them out for a run. I should
have wondered when i walked in to get him and the tech asked me what kind of dog he
was. She probably thought he was just a run of the mill mutt and needed clipping - little did she know - tucker is a purebred mountain (long hair) chichuahua! (and I am a very proud "Mom")
kit was trying to get
a spot off the carpet (it had just been cleaned the day before) and managed to snag her finger and tear the
tendon loose – she’s in a splint for a couple months. about the same time, ken had some skin
cancer removed from his face – they look like they’ve been battling - and kit looks like she is flipping off
After the art show, we stopped out for dinner - here are my two nieces, Christine and Michelle
went to visit my cousins', sharon and tim.
sharon is the family historian on my mother’s side. i was also taking her the farm set that had
belonged to my grandmother – sharon’s father had made it – don’t know how my
mother ended up with it – but i figured it should go to sharon - when my four hermansen cousins – well at least the
gals heard i had it two years ago there
was an uproar - they all wanted it –
they grew up in San Diego where my grandmother lived and all remember it with
fond christmas memories (it was set up under the tree each year)
I have one week left
to gather what statistics i can of the family so i can start on my “book” for
the family reunion. I can do them here
at kits since she has full membership
I gave my grandmother’s wedding dress to
cousin judy – i chose her because her son and daughter-in-law are very into
history and will appreciate it. In
talking to my various cousins, i find that the next generation down, with few
exceptions, does not have much interest in the family history.
a few days ago i gave
a chocolate making class to a couple of kit’s neighbors. what a hoot!
I enjoyed it cause i just showed them what to do and watched them do
it. It really got to be fun once the
bailey’s came out!
During our lunch break, we ladies sat at the table telling hunting stories - yes, guys, i said hunting stories. (and to my daughters, yes, a had some to tell, too) anyway, one of the gals told about the time they were out hunting - she had a 410 shotgun. they were standing next to the car when a nice buck strutted by - she reached through the window and got a couple shells from her purse (well, what can i say - we are ladies, after all) she loaded, took careful aim, pulled the trigger and.......................CLICK! nothing happened. she placed the gun on the hood of the car, put her hands up and slowly backed away. "I'm not touching that - something's wrong" Her husband picked up the gun, broke it open and pulled out........................are you ready for this? a tube of hazel bishop lipstick!
I believe I told you
in my last post that i had installed the free kindle app on my computer. I also said i still wanted to get a kindle
so i could read in bed – but I’ve decided I like reading on the computer cause
i can make the page full screen size -
my real interest is audio books, though – so I’m glad i waited to get a
kindle – i bought an mp3 player instead -
$40 instead of the $300 for the bigger kindle! I can live with that. I installed the audible software and my
first audio book – then i installed the software with my mp3 – then waited for
my niece michelle to arrive to straighten everything out. We had to uninstall both softwares – and,
since i plan on just listening to books – we didn’t reinstall the mp3 software
cause it was trying to take over everything – including my photos. but now
it is working great – i download books to my computer then transfer to the
mp3 for listening. Also, since i haven’t figured out all the ins
and outs of the mp3 i transfer one part of the book at a time – otherwise every
time i paused it – it would start up on a different section of the book.
the weather here has
been interesting to say the very least!
it was comfortably cool in december, then it got cold, then it got hot,
then it rained – the dry riverbeds had flowing water in them – now it’s working
up to warm again. The temps at Demming
are reasonable - I’ll be leaving here
next monday – (with a stop in tombstone, az) the nights there are climbing into the low 30’s we’ll be quite warm enough with that.
well, that catches me
up for the time being.
until the next time,
bear hugs
luv ‘n boots and
tucker, too
and, of course, lil
she believed she could
do it so she did
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