Our Lady of the Blue Highways

Our Lady of the Blue Highways
Portrait in oils by Jackie Poutasse

Friday, October 23, 2009

To hear the Meadowlark sing

This blog is to follow my journey of re-discovery over the next year. The actually journey will not begin until the end of January, 2010. I'm going to spent the interim at daughter Angie's in upstate New York.

In the meantime, I must clear out of my apartment, place everything I want to keep in storage, and leave here no later than November 15. I have 5 days left at my job - I return from a shift so exhausted, I spend most of the day in bed, which is putting me in a real bind for getting everything done on time. But, I know everything will work out.

Today is October 23, 2009. Perhaps if I post what I accomplish each day til I leave, I'll feel pride bound to get more done.

Please bear with me, as this is my first experience at blogging, and I hit a wrong button during set-up and can't seem to find my way back!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you find your way back here...keep up the news...I will be checking in. H
