Our Lady of the Blue Highways

Our Lady of the Blue Highways
Portrait in oils by Jackie Poutasse

Sunday, June 5, 2016


It’s a glorious morning!   The surface of the lake is very still, and on the way back to my site, I heard the call of the Loon wafting over the water.

Yesterday was a perfect day, also.  There was a group of about a dozen young mothers and children playing at the beach.   I had to disturb their play to get them to move a couple of their cars - one side of the parking lot is for vehicles with boat trailers - the other side - for single vehicles.   I was told by one young lady that there were no signs designating parking.   I slowly turned around and looked pointedly at a 3’ x 4’ red and white sign on an easel not 20’ from her.  And then the signs on each side of the parking lot.   They  graciously moved their cars.  It’s a foretaste of the summer weekends to come.

I try to speak to each group of campers at least once.  Those who know me best, know I am a very shy person, and trying to hide it.  Years ago I wore hats to hide under when I attended any kind of group activity.    It’s difficult to speak to people - of course when you get to know me - it’s harder still to shut me up.  This is a very excellent experience.  Tucker is a great conversation starter.

A couple of young cyclists stopped for the night.   They were on their way to Jasper Park in Canada.  They were from Switzerland, and had been cycling across the country for 2 months - they had 2 weeks left on their trip.  An adventure to remember for the rest of their lives.

School is still in session in this area - I think it lets out this coming week - that will surely officially announce the beginning of summer.

Can you tell that I am really enjoying it here?

Until next time,

Boots and Tucker

She believed she could do it, so she did!